On more than one occasion this habit of his has saved both his and Sebastian's lives. He frequently takes notes whenever he sees something unusual, and would almost instantly know what notes to consult when he encounters their corresponding puzzle(s). Joseph is bespectacled, and as such is always seen wearing his grandfather's large-framed glasses which he is effectively blind without.ĭespite being a second-generation Japanese-Canadian, Joseph bears a typical Asian appearance with very little Caucasian characteristics, though his skin tone is noticeably light.Ĭompared to his colleagues, Joseph is considerably more passive, observant and meticulous to a fault. He also wears his badge on his shoulder holster and a KCPD logo tie tack. Unlike his two partners who came in bare-handed, Joseph wears black leather gloves. Joseph's uniform overall looks newer, or better-maintained. His and Sebastian's outfits are similar to each other, though Joseph's own tie and waistcoat aren't pinstriped, the former of which is neatly fixed and not hung sloppily like that of his partner. Being a policeman, Joseph is seen wearing what appears to be the official KCPD detective uniform at all times.